Cardio is any type of exercise that elevates your heart rate and makes you breathe harder. Cardio exercise contributes to heart health and can be part of a healthy weight-loss program. Breathing issues or difficulties after a cardio workout can present a challenge. Learn how to anticipate, prevent and treat breathing issues after cardio to stay safe, healthy and comfortable.
Rapid breathing and shortness of breath can occur after cardio workouts even if you are in good physical health. Stress and anxiety contribute to a wide range of physical symptoms, including breathing issues. Exercising alone can give you time to think about events in your life, and in general physical activity is an excellent stress buster. When your life is pressure-filled, however, this alone time may not be as peaceful as you would like. If you are suffering from breathing problems after cardio due to heightened stress in your life, think about switching activities. Yoga and tai chi are quieter, more peaceful forms of exercise that can be calming to your body and brain. Engage in a team sport or another hobby with your friends to take your mind off your troubles.
Exercise-Induced Asthma
Exercise-induced asthma is one of the most common reasons that people have breathing issues after completing a cardio workout. Exercise-induced asthma is also referred to as exercise-induced bronchospasm, or EIB. During or after exercise, you may experience symptoms such as wheezing, a tightening in the chest, shortness of breath and coughing. Chest pain may accompany the other symptoms. EIB occurs when your airways become constricted, or narrowed, during exercise. Some people who have EIB also experience asthma attacks at other times, while others only experience asthma symptoms after cardio. Treatment for exercise-induced asthma includes using fast-acting inhalers prescribed by your doctor. You might also be directed to take an asthma maintenance drug to control and prevent symptoms. Exercising on warmer days or covering your nose and mouth with a scarf may control or eliminate symptoms.
Dehydration could cause breathing issues after cardio in children. Dehydration occurs when your body is excreting more liquid than you are taking in. Headache, dry skin and lips and decreased urine output are common signs of dehydration in adults and kids. Children may also experience a faster rate of breathing when they are dehydrated, according to BBC Health. A cardio workout makes you sweat, which means you need to replace those fluids. Drink water or a sports drink before, during and after physical activity to prevent dehydration.
Breathing issues after cardio could simply be a sign of aging. As you age, your lung function could decrease, according to the National Institutes of Health. This is especially true of older adults who also have heart disease. Lower levels of oxygen in the body can make you less tolerant to exercise, creating breathing difficulties during and after a workout. Keep your lungs healthy by not smoking. Participate in low-impact aerobic exercise as much as you can to stay healthy. Walking and swimming are examples of cardio that may not contribute to breathing issues. In the case of asthma, swimming can strengthen your upper body without triggering breathing symptoms.
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